segunda-feira, 18 de maio de 2015

                                 Donate blood: Donate life

In Belém, thousands of people wait for blood in hospitals and clinics. Is really a difficult situation have to wait for something that you can’t buy. Hemopa have to attend 200 hospitals, but receives just 300 donations in one day. It’s an insufficient number. Imagine how many people are depending of this blood! Donate blood does not hurt and is fast, but people thinks that isn’t necessary and important make this gesture of goodness. Mans and women between 16 and 69 years old and that are weighing more than 50 kg can donate. Hemopa is in the street Padre Eutíquio, 2109, Belém-PA. Don’t mind that famous people don’t donate blood! Look some examples: Cléo Pires, Alexandre Borges, Cauã Reymond and Letícia Spiller. Just missing you!

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